
Saturday, November 15, 2014

I Am A Survivor

Last November 4, I was assigned to visit the club called "iSurvive" with my pair, Raymond Acero from thekeyboardcommunity.  On that day, the students in iSurvive were assigned to make a logo for their club that would show the club's objectives, which were teamwork, duration, cooperation, and initiative. After that they were given another task, which is to design an obstacle course for next year's amazing race. 

Personally I kind of enjoyed it there, because some of the students there weren't shy, they would make jokes and make people laugh. I was also impressed when they showed teamwork, even if they weren't classmate. They weren't afraid to meet new people and make friends.

                                                                                Written by: Alexis Sim

Friday, November 14, 2014

I like pie

Do you like pie? I like pie. Any pie would do.

I was with this club called Baker's Delight the other day. I observed their ways and their pies.

My friends were the ones that updated me with the situation. They told me the club was making pie and it was kinda a messy sight. My friend's group forgot to bring vanilla  because the member they assigned was his brother, who sits somewhere in front of my class. They ended up making egg pie instead.

For the other groups, they went with assigned "pie to be made". I will now make you hungry with the pics below:

The Battlefield - where dough goes splat and things are tasted

These pies... they grow up too fast
Well, that was my experience with them. I'd give them all a thumbs up just for trying. Sure, yeah, it's easier to buy but sometimes, homemade food (school-made in this case) is better. You'll feel a sense of accomplishment you won't feel when just buying it.

Written by: Eldrick Lim

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Baking Delights with Baker's Delight

Last week, I was given the opportunity to join Baker's Delight in their buko pie making. Being a former member of the club, I was familiar with the sounds and smells of the kitchen. However, this year's batch of bakers offered a different environment compared to last year's. As I entered the room, I was greeted by a friend. School clubs can make you feel so out of place, but a sigh of relief escaped my lips, and I felt welcomed instantly.

I stationed myself wherever my friend was, and I was able to meet the rest of the group. They were like a family. They called each other the customary achi's and shobe's which was really admirable from my point of view, and you would know that most of them were close friends, but you wouldn't feel left out at all.

All hands on deck!

One team, one family.
Apparently flour isn't just used for baking.

More than a year ago, I attended my first session of Baker's Delight. It was already the second session, actually, but I was absent on the first one. I really missed a lot of important events during that time. When I arrived, everyone had their groups already, so Mrs. Segui, the club administrator, assigned me to one of the groups. I was the odd one out, because they were all in the same barkada while I barely knew them.

Back to last week's events. After working as a team, the group was able to finish the pie. I was not able to eat some, and so I left the room hungry. Well, I forgot that it was recess after the club session, so I regret not staying because I really love buko pie. Do you?

Written by: Kersten Loo

Saturday, November 1, 2014

DIY Lunch with Mitchel Rey

This is a collaboration with Mitchel Rey, a member of the Keyboard Community.

Tired of eating the same old plain white rice? Try Hot Whiz Rice, a Rey family specialty. This recipe began with the simple experiments of Reynaldo Rey, the cook of the family and the uncle of one of the creators of this post.

Here's what you need:
hot dogs
chiz whiz

First, you place the oil in the frying pan until it's heated. Afterward, place some sliced hot dogs in the pan. When it's finished cooking, add rice in the pan and add the desired amount of chiz whiz. Mix everything until it's cooked and you'll have your dish waiting to be eaten.

We hope that you'll enjoy the Rey family specialty as much as we do.

Co-written by: Kersten Loo